Saturday, March 21, 2009

Follow-up to Previous Post

I asked my readers to respond to the last post concerning certain African churches and their treatment of what they call "witch" children and I am very pleased with all those who took the time to contact me! That being said, I need to apologize for the immaturity that pervaded the last post. I homogenized an entire religious stance in one paragraph. It was simply unacceptable.

I tried to show that whatever you believe, this should affect you. But what came out was, "If you're Christian, you're wrong, and if your secular, you need to show Christians that they're wrong."

In regards to me putting words into Christian's mouths, that was uncalled-for as well. My whole point of that bit was to say that, when I was a Christian, those were things I heard which I found to be unacceptable. Now, they seem even more so. So what I was asking for was a response that went above and beyond the common phrases that were thrown around before. It did not come across as such, and again, I apologize. All the responses I did receive did count as being more than those simple phrases.

Before I received all the responses I did, I was actually planning on coming up with a new post. I noticed a majority of my blogs come across as 'religion-bashing.' We all know there are plenty of those, and I did not want this to be a space for that. And my last post went above and beyond all my others in its anti-religion statements. So I wanted to say I do not want this blog to be only concerned with religion and that I will keep it much more balanced as this blog evolves.


  1. Chris, apology accepted. That took cajones.

    Turns out life is pretty complicated. I think that's why we like movies so much.

  2. Good to hear. Although it seems to be a subject you prefer and it is your blog.

  3. Chris - I've kind of wandered around from site to site to get here - but I made it nonetheless. You do bring up a lot of good questions about the nature of God and why He allows for certain things to exist. Keep asking the questions - keep seeking the answers.

    Matt Yoder
